Jewish families in “Csicsó-Cicov” (Slovakia) until the Holocaust
Csicsó - Číčov : Zsidó temető - Židovský cintorín - Jevish Cemetery
Samuel Perl-teacher,
rabbi, master, pruning-sakter-sochet (top grade of cutting and
examing: poultry and cattle), was a man with long beard and big stature. He taught a religion his
pupils-bochers, and Jewish children in “Csicsó”. He came probably from Transylvania.
Almost all days, in winter too, he took a batch in pool “Hosszúkláb” in a
separated place. He made probably ritual batching. He wore long and dark caftan - Chasid
and dark green velvet hut with big brim.
They lived in “Kertalja-Kertész utca”. (Here has lived László Fél's family) They had a house with 2 rooms and kitchen, here were prayer rooms with a separated entrance for men and women. His wife's mother is buried in Csicsó. Samuel Perl had more than 20 children, to the best of my mother's memory, they were born from 1900 until 1930.
Lajos P. was born in 1914, he was baker. He was survivor, he lost his family in Holocaust.The 2.World war he found a new family.They had two children. Tibor and Judit. Judit Haas is leader of the Jew cultural center "Menház" in Komárno.
Jolán P. was governess, schoolmistress.
Izsák and Jenő were tailors.
Frida was born in 1921, she was survivor, she lived in Israel.
Helen was born in 1924, she was my mother's classmate.
Karcsi - Károly was ill, he went to cure to the Tatra Mountains.
S. Perl's children were Heszki - Henrik and little David too.
Perl's children could Hebrew.
Perl's neighbors were Deutsch drapers (textile goods, small wares, textiles).
Their daughter lived in Budapest. Her husband was a pediatrist - doctor. She took her parents away, we don't know more about their fate.
Sándor Spielman: lived in “Alsó utca”, he had a small shop and pub. (“Elekes bolt”, now there is living László Nagy's family)
His wife Teréz Gross is buried in Csicsó. He sold his shop to Elekes and moved to Komárom - Komárno, where died probably. His daughter Margit was taken away from Érsekújvár – Nové Zámky, where she lived with her husband. My mother, when was a little girl, often sang with them the XLII: psalm.
At Pesach Spielman's and Perl's always sent a matzo to neighboring Christian families.
Fleischman's family lived in “Gurdony”
-Közép utca
(today it is The Duna utca- Kolocsics
Judit's house). They had a small shop, an icehouse and a pub, slaughterhouse in
“Felső utca” (opposite Weiszberger's house-today Szikonya's), granary in
“Újcsicsó” (today Petőfi utca). Their lands have been on "Erecs".
Adolf Fleischman and his wife Irén Neuhauser had daughter Ilus - Ilona, Frida, Hermina and a son Zsiga(1910) - Zsigmond. Zsiga and Hermina were survivors, he lived in Israel. Hermina was married with Donath Eliezer in Győr (Hungary). She had two sons: Robert (1946) and Eliezer. Zsiga had sons Zsiga, he was in Csicsó in 2006.
Lipot Weiszberger and his wife Malvin Lusztig (she was Moric Lusztig's sister) lived in “Felső utca”, there is a pub today. Their daughters were Eva and Klara (1924). Klara was survivor, she lived in Israel. She was married with Deutsch in Nemesócsa – Zeminska Olca. L. Weiszberger died in the hospital in Komárom - Komárno. The old kinswomen Jozefina lived with them.
Lajos Raáb's family lived in “Rábköz-Öreg utca” (opposite the parish hall) they had a small shop and pub. Lajos Raáb died in Csicsó. His wife Lusztig Ernesztina.
Their son Lajos and daughter Bella moved to Vienna. Armin Braun, the husband of their daughter Sárika, was a electrician and radio technician.
Their other daughter Aranka lived in Csallóközaranyos – Zlatná na Ostrove. Her husband was Lajos Fél. She was at home concealed. After her death her son and husband moved to Canada.
Moric Lusztig was bachelor. His house was the today's post.
Wurmfeld Bözsi- Erzsébet her husband was János Sörös. She switched to Catholic faith. They are buried in the Catholic cemetery. Her grandchild returned onto his grandmother's faith.
János Klánik's wife switched to Reformed faith. Children are not. They are buried in the Reformed cemetery.
Families from century 19.: Felső utca: Weisz, Lővi, Wolner, - Lusztig, Krasztler (Krasztel)- Feldmár, Reisz – Alsó utca: Gross, Szeiner, Stadler- Weisz, Reiser (Reiter, Keiser)- Veiner, Baurnier- Královits, Veiner -Árokhát: Holczer, Lövinger, Rozenberg – Kertalja: Lövinger, Deutsch - Netty Rausnitz, Frankl Márkus.
Schwartz's family went from the adjacent village Füss - Trávnik to Csicsó in the house of prayer. They are buried in Csicsó.
Children of most families went to the reformed school. The religious community in Csicsó owed to Dunaszerdahely – Dunajská Streda and Nagymegyer – Velky Meder.
In June 1944 the Jews from Cicov-Csicsó were transferred to Velky Meder-Nagymegyer to ghetto after that to Komárom. At the end they were killed in Auschwitz.
The cemetery in Csicsó has had three parts: Reformed, Catholic and Jewish cemetery.
In 1993 parish Csicsó set up a monument to the memory of the victims of I. and II. World War. Remembering.
„Ezt a hazát tehát elvesztettem …” (click) - exposition
In Csicso – Cicov, Slovakia, May 2009
Source: Nagy Imréné Bödők Terézia (1924-2013)
Writing in Hungarian language: Nagy Amália
English version: Kovácsné Nagy Hajnalka